Since the twenties of the last century after the First World War, the victorious countries divided the region of the Arab East and the Middle East on the basis of their long-term economic, political, military and strategic interests, which led to the collapse of states and the rise of other states and the annexation of the lands of some peoples and the division of others between victorious countries. Among those peoples and countries was the state of Al-Ahwaz, which was occupied on the twentieth of April 1925, as well as Baluchistan, Kurdistan, southern Azerbaijan and other peoples among the victims of these new political and geographical divisions of the birth of the modern state of Iran so that this state, which was founded on the occupation of countries and The lands of other peoples are to protect the interests of the victorious countries in the First World War, especially in the face of the emergence of communism and its victory in Russia and its establishment of the Soviet Union in 1917, which has become a threat to the new regime, i.
After the end of World War I, the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America witnessed anti-colonial revolutions and occupation, just as the great powers began to work on establishing international organizations to maintain security, prevent war and preserve interests until the League of Nations was established after World War I in the United States of America. The United Nations emerged from its womb after World War II, and the Security Council was formed from the victorious countries in World War II. It established bodies, institutions, and organizations concerned with human rights, and held conferences for countries to build new rules for respect for human rights, the most important of which was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognized individual rights and It acknowledged the oppressed, oppressed and occupied peoples the right to determine their political, economic and cultural destiny, and demanded that the colonial countries work to create the appropriate conditions for the occupied peoples to decide their fate, and demanded that they fulfill their obligations, but the colonial countries and their affiliated partners continued to colonize peoples and plunder Its wealth and the rest of preserving its economic interests, and these inhumane policies were met by the peoples with the same The peaceful and armed people in Asia, Africa and Latin America saw the liberation of large areas of colonies and declared many independent states in different parts of the world. And the surrender of the Iranian state and its submission to those who founded it (the British), and it carried out revolutions and expelled the Iranian forces, and declared the Republic of Mahabad in Kurdistan, the martyr Qadi Muhammad, the Republic of Azerbaijan led by Pechori, and the Kingdom of the Arab East led by the Ahwazi leader Yunis Al-Asi, and announced its local governments. After the end of World War II, the colonialists and the victors returned to divide the region and restore ownership in Iran again at the expense of the non-Persian peoples, and supported the Iranian monarchy by oppressing the peoples and overthrowing their states, but the peoples remained revolting and demanding their national and human rights in accordance with international laws and norms. As well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and her revolution and sacrifices for this continued until 1979 and the overthrow of the monarchy with the participation of the Persian parties eager for freedom, which were calling slogans of democracy, human rights and respect for the right of peoples to self-determination, as well as slogans of Islamic brotherhood and justice between The oppressed peoples and the respect for their rights by Khomeini, who was considered one of the pillars of the Islamic aspects opposing the monarchy, and the participation of the oppressed and occupied non-Persian peoples had a great impact in overthrowing the monarchy, but soon all the Persian parties repudiated it.
For its promises that it made to the non-Persian peoples, and after Khomeini assumed power and declared the Iranian regime on the basis of a doctrinal ideology that represents the Twelver sect, and declared jihad against the non-Persian peoples, and committed heinous crimes in Al-Ahwaz after Black Wednesday in Muhammarah, as well as in Kurdistan, Baluchistan, and Turkmen desert Southern Turkmenistan, and then entered into a fierce war with the Republic of Iraq to export his revolution, and considered the war a blessing to extend hegemony over the peoples due to the special conditions of the war, and continued repression, preventing all freedoms, hanging the gallows, expanding prisons, and hastening with all the policies of ethnic cleansing and demographic change initiated by his predecessor And these brutal policies are still continuing until now, despite all the uprisings and revolutions that the lands of non-Persian peoples have witnessed in the past decades. The region, which led to internal sectarian conflicts that will not stop for more than four decades, during which the wealth of the peoples throughout Iran’s political geography and the peoples of the region was squandered and made between countries. For failed and refugee peoples looking for a living and safety. And after all that we mentioned above and the historical experience facing the leaders of non-Persian peoples and their wide participation in the current revolution and the lack of dependence of these leaders on all the Persian parties, and after many meetings and encounters, communication took place to formulate a charter of common goals and demands among the sons of non-Persian peoples in order to be able to Unifying its ranks, demands and struggle in the domestic, regional and international arena and preserving its historical demands and its national, national and human rights in accordance with international law and legitimacy, explaining its full respect for international laws and its obligations before the international community and all humanitarian institutions.
Prepared by the media center of the Ahwazi revolution
The joint program for the work of the peoples occupied by Iran to pass through the regime of the Islamic Republic and the Iranian occupation state
For nearly a century, successive Iranian regimes occupied the lands of non-Persian peoples and violated all laws, customs, charters, international instruments and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many massacres were committed, including the transfer of peoples from their areas of population as a systematic process to erase their identity within the framework of the policy of ethnic cleansing, and it was and still is intended to defeat the resistance of non-Persian peoples yearning for freedom and liberation from Iranian occupation.
The Iranian occupation authorities also divided the lands of non-Persian peoples and changed their geographical and political maps, and placed minorities within the regional borders of each people to create strife and conflicts among the people of the occupied peoples, in order to be able to sow discord and weaken their unity in order to control them and prevent their rapprochement and unity in the face of the Iranian occupier, but despite All these terrorist policies and violations, but the struggle of peoples and their liberation demands for nearly a century have proven that the Iranian occupation will not be able to reach its hostile goals of erasing the identity of peoples, and on the contrary, it has been proven to all regional and international parties, especially at the current stage, that this terrorist regime cannot be brought down The participation of the occupied non-Persian peoples, and Iran will not be in its current form after the overthrow of this regime, despite the attempts of the traditional Persian opposition to conceal and falsify the facts and distort the demands of the non-Persian peoples.
Iran is heading towards the inevitable disintegration, and the fall of the Iranian regime will accelerate the pace of disintegration according to the Persian opposition. What we hope is that the so-called Persian opposition will realize its historical and humanitarian responsibility to prevent more violence and bloodshed and choose the path of peace, following the example of the Czech Republic and Slavia, whose peoples separated from each other. In a proper and civilized way, away from internal wars and without wasting the capabilities and infrastructure. Likewise, regional security and stability will not be affected, and the culture of dialogue and peace will take root instead of the culture of violence and war.
Accordingly, the non-Persian peoples occupied by Iran, after in-depth meetings and discussions, announce their program and charter to get rid of the Iranian occupation and reassure the countries and peoples of the region and the world, especially the neighboring countries, to work at all levels to consolidate peace, security and stability, and contribute significantly in coordination with the countries of the region to get rid of the remnants of Iran’s policies terrorist.
Here are the articles of the Charter between the occupied peoples of Iran:
First: We, the undersigned organizations and parties, declare that the occupying Iranian state is the main reason for the existence of terrorism, wars, and sectarian and religious extremism that has led to instability in the region, through its expansionist and hostile policies towards the countries of the region and the world. And since the occupied non-Persian peoples are the first victims of this terrorist state, and for the sake of our freedom and the liberation of our countries, we unite in order to achieve the hopes and dreams of our peoples for freedom, a free and decent life, and the establishment of our independent states, and we will continue to fight for these legitimate goals until the expulsion of the Iranian occupier and the restoration of our independent states.
Second: We declare that after the overthrow of the occupying Iranian regime and the withdrawal of its forces, we will not accept any alternative under any name that does not recognize the rights of the peoples under Iranian occupation to form their own independent states. We will confront that alternative vigorously and fight to establish our independent nation-states.
Third: We declare that the democratization of the region passes through the recognition of the rights of the peoples under Iranian occupation. And any current, no matter how democratic, in the event that the rights of those peoples are violated, contradicts democracy, and we will not allow anyone or any party to reach power with the sacrifices of the peoples, and to impose once again dictatorship and violate the independence of the peoples under the banner of “the unity of the national territory.” We see that the condition for passing from tyranny and terrorism to democracy is the full recognition of the rights of peoples and the establishment of their states.
Fourth: We will prevent chaos in the areas of non-Persian peoples with our local forces, and we will guarantee in those areas stability, democracy, women’s rights, human rights and ethnic minorities, and freedom of religion and sect. We are working to establish advanced civil states that seek to achieve peace and stability.
Fifth: The successive regimes of the Persian occupation state divided the lands of non-Persian peoples into new regions and provinces and changed the natural borders in order to create discord and the outbreak of conflicts and wars among them at the present time and even after they reached independence. We are well aware that the goal of the Persian occupation state in creating these strife is to return and control over the regions of non-Persian peoples, so we agreed to form scientific and professional committees and bodies specialized in history and concerned fields away from political influences and under the supervision and control of international and humanitarian institutions and by peaceful means in order to resolve All of those problems.
Sixth: We declare our respect for and commitment to international laws, especially those related to political, economic, geographical affairs and human rights, especially those approved by the United Nations, and we are keen to implement them with full force.
Seventh: We declare our respect for all commercial contracts between the Iranian occupation state and other countries, provided that they comply with international laws and do not affect national security and the independence of countries independent of Iran. And we assure that we respect it until its end.
Eighth: We affirm the peacefulness of our struggle, and at the same time we will use all legitimate methods in accordance with international law in order to restore our national and human rights.
Ninth: We, on behalf of the peoples occupied by Iran, call on the Security Council and international organizations, as well as all democratic countries in the world and neighboring countries that wish for the peoples under Iranian occupation to reach freedom and democracy by supporting their struggle until stability and peace prevail in the region.
Tenth: We declare that any aggression or interference in the affairs of any of our peoples by Iranian groups and their followers is considered interference and aggression in the affairs of all peoples, and we will respond to them collectively and unifiedly.
The organizations and parties that signed the statement:
- The Ahwazi People’s Democratic Front (ADPF).
- South Azerbaijan Independence Party
- The National Democratic Union of Southern Turkmen
- The Arab Front for the Liberation of Dialogues
- The Democratic Ahwaz Front
6- April 15 Movement for the Liberation of Al-Ahwaz - Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK)
- Balochistan Freedom Movement (FBM)
9- The Baloch National Movement (Zarambish Baloch Movement)